Walnut Barbell Weight Plate Catch all Tray by Two Makers Crew

Weight Plate Tray Care Guide: How to Properly Maintain and Extend its Lifespan

Hey there, friends! Merina and Bjorn here, your favourite maker duo. Today, we're here to spill the beans on one of our most frequently asked questions about our super popular Weight Plate tray. You guys often wonder, "Hey, is this thing food safe?"

Well, hold onto your hats, because we're about to give you the lowdown!

Crafted with Love and Precision:

Picture this: a gorgeous Weight Plate tray made from the finest dark walnut wood. Yeah, you heard that right – we only work with the good stuff. Quality is our middle name, and we wouldn't settle for anything less! Now, here's the secret sauce to ensuring our trays are food safe: we season each and every one of them with food-grade mineral oil. But wait, there's more! We finish them off with a heavenly blend of genuine beeswax, the toughest natural wax known to man (Brazilian carnauba wax), and pure USP Food Grade Mineral Oil. Talk about a match made in woodworking heaven!

Dark Walnut Catchall Tray conditioned with Howards Butcher Block Conditioner made by Two Makers Crew


Not Sponsored:

Howard’s Butcher Block Conditioner has quickly become the only conditioner we reach for.


Keeping the Good Vibes Going:

We want your Weight Plate tray to stay beautiful and functional for years to come. So, we're spilling our tried-and-true tips for maintenance. Listen up, folks! If you're using your tray to serve up some scrumptious snacks, here's the drill: give it a good scrub with warm, soapy water after each use, and make sure to dry it thoroughly with a clean towel. That's the secret sauce to maintaining its sleekness and charm.

Walnut Barbell Weight Plate Tray snack board for athletes made by Two Makers Crew

But what if life throws some stains or funky odours your way? Fear not! We've got you covered. Grab some coarse salt, sprinkle it onto your tray, and then get ready for some citrus magic. Take a fresh lemon half, rub it gently into the salt, and let that dynamic duo work its wonders. Give it a few minutes, rinse with warm water, and dry it off completely. Voilà! Stains and odours, be gone!

Merina's Passion Project:

Oh, let's not forget to mention one of my absolute favourite things about crafting these trays. Picture this: me, buffing those trays until the wood grain starts glowing with caramel tones. It's like witnessing a magical transformation right before my eyes! It's the icing on the cake that adds that extra touch of love and care to each and every Weight Plate tray we make. Believe us when we say that the joy we put into crafting them translates into the happiness our customers experience when they receive these beauties.

Dark Walnut Barbell Weight Plate Charcuterie Board by Two Makers Crew

In a Nutshell:

To wrap things up, our Weight Plate tray is way more than just a catch-all for your odds and ends. It's a versatile companion that puts food safety at the forefront. Crafted from dark walnut wood and treated with a magical blend of food-grade mineral oil and our not-so secret conditioner, each tray is a testament to our commitment to excellence. Follow our simple maintenance instructions, and your tray will stay in tip-top shape for years to come. 

So go ahead, my friends, and let the Weight Plate tray work its magic in your home. We promise it'll bring you joy, style, and a touch of that Merina and Bjorn magic you've come to love.

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