Just 2 Makers...

Hey! We're Merina and Bjorn, just 2 makers making stuff. We're entrepreneurs who love running our own businesses, making things for our home and sharing our journey.

We're so happy you're here with us!

Q & A with Merina & Bjorn

Q: So, what do you make?

Merina: I make jewellery inspired by life on the west coast. I also paint with acrylics.

Bjorn: I'm a graphic artist and woodworker. You can take a look at what we've been making recently at the links below.

Q: What does it mean to be a "maker"?

To us, "maker" is someone who cannot help but bring the things they envision in their mind into the real world. Be it a work of art, something to wear like a piece of jewellery, furnaiture for our home - we've both learned that we are happiest when we're making things with our hands everyday. It might be something only meant for us, but a lot of times it's an incredible journey to see how an idea turns into something tangible, and all the ups and downs along the way.

This is why we started Two Makers Crew!

Q: Whats your favourite part of being a maker?

Merina: I love packing and shipping orders. It's the part of the process where we get to see who the order is for, and where in the world it's going. It's like wrapping up a present for a friend.

Bjorn: For me, it's about seeing the finished product. Seeing all the work you put into something being completed, something that you made with your own hands.

Q: Where do your ideas come from?

Merina: Living on Vancouver Island I find endless inspiration in nature. I spend a lot of time walking along the beach, or trails, even just around the neighbourhood. I feel connected to this place and that inspires a lot of my work.

Bjorn: I get inspired by collaborating with others. I love taking an idea, disecting it to it's core, editing out the fluff, exploring the concept with others and creating a simple, yet effective design. I've also found endless inspiration from pop cultlre like movies and graphic novels.

In fact, Merina and I have been collaborating out wooden pin desings and a series of paintings inspired by iconic movie food from cult classics.

Q: What are you currently working on?

We share what we're currently on, the tools we love, and sneak peaks into upcoming projects on our Instagram and TikTok accounts.

Follow us there (and say hi in a comment or DM! We love connecting :)

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What we make!

Serving Trays

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Custom Engraved Trays

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Morse Code Jewellery

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Art Prints

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West Coast Inspired Jewellery

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Laser Cut Wooden Pins