For Makers

Squarespace Vs. Shopify For Makers

A question we often get asked is comparing Squarespace vs. Shopify. We use Shopify for our website and e-commerace store, (no secret there), and it might not be for the...

Squarespace Vs. Shopify For Makers

A question we often get asked is comparing Squarespace vs. Shopify. We use Shopify for our website and e-commerace store, (no secret there), and it might not be for the...

Getting Started with Shopify: A Maker's Guide t...

Hey there, makers! Welcome to the Makers side of where we, Merina and Bjorn, share what we've learned as bootstrapping entrepreneurs with you!! We get it—you're a tech-savvy maker, whose honed their...

Getting Started with Shopify: A Maker's Guide t...

Hey there, makers! Welcome to the Makers side of where we, Merina and Bjorn, share what we've learned as bootstrapping entrepreneurs with you!! We get it—you're a tech-savvy maker, whose honed their...